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7x Quiet places to work or study

Werkplek technische universiteit Eindhoven

Just as we were getting used to the summer break, it’s time to go back to school and office life. But hey, like any good student or employee, we're ready to get back to business! Looking for a quiet spot to dive into your books or work on a project? Good news: this list of great workspaces is for you!

Lucifer Coffee

In the middle of the city buzz, you will find Lucifer Coffee. Conveniently located on the Kleine Berg, this place feels like a living room. Grab a seat at the long work table and dive into the menu (because let’s be real, coffee first!). Their coffee is roasted just a few streets away, and if hunger strikes, they've got all-day breakfast. Now that’s how you start the day right!

Van Abbemuseum

With over 140,000 books, magazines, and DVDs,  the art library at the Van Abbemuseum is a paradise for bookworms. You'll almost forget, it’s also a top spot for some serious studying. Access is free on Wednesdays and Thursdays, but be sure to reserve your spot!

Coffeelab Strijp-S

Keep those creative juices flowing at CoffeeLab Strijp-S! With strong coffee, healthy juices, and an inspiring vibe (you are at Strijp-S, after all), it’s the perfect spot to work or study. Want to make sure you get a spot? Reserve your (flex)workspace via the website!

Technische universiteit Eindhoven

Pand P

You know the former Plaza Futura? It’s known as the coziest living room in Stratum—and it’s perfect for studying during the week! Grab a comfy spot at Pand P, sip on a coffee, and soak in the art exhibitions they always have going on.

Library MetaForum

Are you looking for a quiet place without any distractions? Then the MetaForum Library at the TU/e is a perfect option. With 950 study places and a separate 'quiet zone', this place is all about one thing: nailing deadlines! 

Bibliotheek Eindhoven

Eindhoven Library

The Eindhoven Library is located inside the characteristic former Philips building, De Witte Dame. Looking for something a little more lively? The library café is a great spot for a coffee break. Perfect for a long day of work or study.

DENF Coffee

Located in the Witte Dame—hello, neighbors Eindhoven Library, Fontys Hogeschool, and Design Academy Eindhoven—you’ll find DENF Coffee. Here, there’s plenty of space to hit the books while enjoying a cup of their own roasted coffee (look for the name 801) and just as strong Wi-Fi. Our tip for a positive mood booster: ask for their Wi-Fi password.